�??Webber can�??t maintain winning form�??: Red Bull motorsport director

Red Bull Racing motorsport director Dr Helmut Marko says he thinks the team�??s number two driver, Mark Webber, can�??t� maintain winning form for a whole year and struggles with pressure.

Marko shared his thoughts about Webber, along with the Australian�??s� Red Bull teammate Sebastian Vettel and Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso, in an interview with the energy drink company�??s own Red Bulletin magazine.

Sixty-nine-year-old Marko told the publication, �??It seems to me that Webber has on average two races per year where he is unbeatable, but he can�??t maintain this form thoroughout the year. And as soon as his prospects start to look good in the championship, he has a little trouble with the pressure that this creates.�?�

Mark Webber

�??In comparison with Seb�??s rising form, it seems to me that Mark�??s form somehow flattens out�?�.

�??Something that I think is also very important is that for much of his career, Mark was never in a top team, but he was always regarded as a high flyer if he only could get into the right team. Then Red Bull puts him in a car �?" a possible winner �?" and suddenly along comes this young kid [Vettel] and he snatches the booty from under Mark�??s nose. Psychologically it�??s not easy, of course; this would gnaw away at anyone�??s confidence. It�??s more than understandable.�?�

Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel

Marko, a former Grand Prix driver of 10 races, also makes mention of two-time Formula 1 World Champion, Spaniard Fernando Alonso, being �??constantly involved in politics�?� and �??psychological skirmishes�?�.

On the season of three-time Formula 1 World Champion and 2012 title holder, Vettel, Marko is full of praise saying, �??Sebastian�??s driving was virtually flawless. But he is a phenomenon: it is always like that.�?�

The 2013 Formula 1 season begins in Melbourne on March 14.


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