Rolls-Royce Ghost Art Deco: $740K Oz special is one of a kind

A one-of-a-kind Rolls-Royce Ghost Art Deco designed specially for Australia has been presented to prospective customers at an exclusive event in Sydney.

The bespoke Rolls-Royce Ghost is part of the luxury British manufacturer�??s Art Deco-inspired range that launched at last year�??s Paris motor show and takes inspiration from one of the defining design movements of the 20th century.

The limited edition Ghost Art Deco is one of 30 in the world and is the only one destined for our shores. Its $738,928 price tag makes it the most expensive Ghost in the country.

A �??subtle�?� member of the collection according to Rolls-Royce South and East Asia Pacific general manager Dan Balmer, Australia�??s Art Deco edition features specially commissioned Infinity Black paintwork, hand-painted coachlines and an illuminated Spirit of Ecstasy bonnet ornament on the outside, as well as Art Deco headrest embroidery, inlays and seat piping, and piano black veneers on the inside.

�??The Australian market in particular is a more conservative market in terms of tastes and colours and trim,�?� explained Balmer, who contributed to the car�??s final specification.

�??You guys like your cars to be loaded with equipment, bespoke features and so on, but it�??s going to be more on the interior side, more on the �??keep to yourself�?? side.

�??Our reason for creating this collection of cars is purely to give inspiration to our customers to think of their own features. We just show what we can do as a company, and they then say �??Can I do this? Can I do this different colour, different version?�?? and all those things.�?�

Other features fitted to the Ghost Art Deco from the regular options list include adaptive headlights, 20-inch polished forged alloy wheels, panoramic sunroof, driver�??s assistance package, leather headliner, ventilated and massaging seats, and a theatre system, curtains and cool box in the rear.

Like the standard Ghost, the Art Deco edition is powered by a 420kW/780Nm 6.6-litre twin-turbocharged V12 that is capable of launching the 2360kg limousine from 0-100km/h in 4.9 seconds.

The Rolls-Royce Ghost Art Deco is currently on display at the company�??s Sydney dealership in Alexandria.


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